Speech Therapy and Attention Deficit Syndrome

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According to scholars, Attention Deficit Syndrome (ADS) results from a set of signs and symptoms caused by neurological immaturity, in the Reticular formation, located in the trunk Brain.

When the child does not reach the maturity of the Reticular Formation, at the moment of ideal speed, a condition characterized by delay develops. of language acquisition, associated with psychomotor or behavioral disorders, which compromise family relationships and learning school.

The diagnosis of this syndrome is considered complicated by some neuropediatricians and without it, it is up to the Speech-Language Pathologist to use theories and techniques that he/she deems necessary and useful, which are often exhaustive to obtain a positive result in the prognosis of the treatment, or even go in search of research options aimed at elucidating such cases.

 In addition to the fact that children are inattentive, due to the inability to select important stimuli, they have other neurological disorders:
• Reticular Formation: inattention, hyperactivity, speech delay and insensitivity to pain.

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• Pyramidal System: synkinesias.
• Cerebellum: disturbances in balance.
• Parietal region: deficient body scheme, dyspraxia.
• Circulatory System: tachylalia, phoneme exchanges and suppressions.
Due to the association of all these immaturities, it is understandable that the child has school difficulties.
The treatment is medicated and through special exercises aimed at the disorders that may be encountered. The multidisciplinary team, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychomotricity, play therapy, psychiatry and neuropediatrics, works together.

In the school environment, it is necessary to apply specialized pedagogical techniques, in adapted classes with fewer of students and who perform stimuli in smaller amounts, due to the degree of difficulty presented by the SDA.

Hyperactivity is the symptom that most attracts everyone's attention, but it is important to note that not all patients with the syndrome are hyperactive, what happens is that they may be more distracted or even more hectic.

 It is important to make this distinction in order not to label a child who exhibits such behaviors as a carrier of ADS. The speech therapist will work mainly on motor and sensitivity abnormalities.

By Elen Cristine M. Whitewashed Fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

Speech therapy - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fonoaudiologia/a-fonoaudiologia-sindrome-deficit-atencao.htm


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