Meaning of Shippar (What it is, Concept and Definition)

shippar is about the cheering for someone's love relationship, usually characters from movies, series, cartoons, comics, manga and so on.

Shippar is an expression created from the English word relationship, which means “relationship” in Portuguese.

This neologism was popularized by readers and creators of fanfics (fan-created alternate stories), who had the desire to unite characters who in the original story did not form a loving couple.

Learn more about meaning of Fanfics.

By norms, ships – couples – are represented by the union of their names, creating a new name, such as: Clarissa and Vanessa, which gives rise to “Clanessa”; Damon and Elena, which forms “Delena”, and so on.

“Shippar nomes” is precisely the act of joining the names of the characters with the intention of creating a new one, which characterizes all the existing fans for the couple.

The person who practices the act of shippar is known as a shipper, while the people involved in the ship (the couple) are called shippados.

See also:meaning of shippo.

There are still other nomenclatures used from the idea of ​​shipping, such as:

  • Canon ship or conventional couple: that it is the obvious relationship of the story, that is, when the author makes it clear that those characters will form / form a couple throughout the story.
  • Cult ship or unconventional coupleand: the opposite of canon ship. When a couple is never revealed by the author throughout history.
  • flash ship: a couple formed by male homosexual characters.
  • femslash ship: a couple formed by female homosexual characters.

See also: O meaning of manga.

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