Fool is an adjective that refers to that individual who says or does foolishness, that is, who practices nonsense, who has no intelligence or judgment.
The adjective “fool” is also used to express that something or someone has no connection, that it is ridiculous, unfounded, absurd, that it has no reason to exist. Examples: Foolish speech, silly argument, silly phrase, or silly obligation.
Fool is also one who acts with ingenuity, who is silly, simple-minded, who behaves like an idiot or imbecile.
The adjective "fool" has several synonyms and many of them are slang terms from the Brazilian popular language, often used as a noun, in a derogatory way: goofy, asshole, bocó, paca, abeast, head of catfish, flycatcher, mama in the mare, sucker, injured, dumbfounded, idiot, idiot, weakling etc.
An individual who expresses exaggerated vanity, who is presumptuous, proud or affected is considered "foolish".
In a figurative sense, the adjective “fool” is used to indicate that someone is stunned, awestruck. Example: He got silly with his friend's reaction.
In English the word fool can be translated to fool. Example: You don't need to spend a lot of time with him to see he is a fool. (You don't have to spend a lot of time with him to see he's a fool).
fool in the bible
In the Bible there are several verses that refer to a foolish behavior, as in Matthew 5:22 “But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother becomes a defendant before the court. Whoever says to his brother: “imbecile”, becomes a defendant before the Sanhedrin; whoever calls his brother an idiot deserves the fire of hell".
Fool's gold
Ouro de toto is a song by Raul Seixas, released in 1973, which had great sales success. In music Raul wrote an autobiography and criticizes the military dictatorship that Brazil lived in the 70s and protests against national conformity.