Meaning of Gandaia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Gandaia it is the act of rummaging through garbage in search of something valuable or the lifestyle of an idle person; a rogue; someone who lives a life without rules or limits.

The word gagaia is etymologically of Spanish origin Gandaya, which means, as in the Portuguese language, a person with vagrant behavior; a vagabond or a bohemian.

In Brazil the popular expression "fall in the gang" became well known among people at the time of carnival and other popular festivals, in the sense of "falling into revelry", partying, celebrating or celebrating futile life; escape from the daily routine and take advantage of a certain period of time to enjoy the idleness.

Another very common expression in Brazil is when it is said that an individual "live in the gang", that is, it is always in the bohemian, at parties or in vagrancy.

the meaning of gagaia it can have both a positive and a negative connotation, depending on the context in which it is inserted. For example, a person who "falls in the gang" during carnival is considered happy, fun and simply enjoying the festive days. However, someone who "lives in the gang" constantly, who does not have a steady job, is seen as a vandal, a bum, that is, someone who has no worries about life or commitments.

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