What is lean mass?

lean mass is an expression that refers to everything that is not fat in our body, such as muscles and our different internal organs. Many people use the expression, however, to refer to muscle mass, as if they were synonymous.

Gaining lean mass through gaining muscle mass is very important for the health of our body and can be achieved by a healthy eating combined with physical training. It is noteworthy, however, that, for healthy lean mass gain, it is important to medical evaluation it's the monitoring of professionals as nutritionists and physical educators.

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What is lean mass?

The lean mass concerns the part of our body not formed by fat. The term is often used as a synonym for muscle mass, but muscle mass is only a portion of our lean mass. Fat mass, in turn, is related to the portion of our body formed by fat.

The development of muscle mass promotes an increase in lean mass.
The development of muscle mass promotes an increase in lean mass.

The relationship between lean mass and fat mass is very important when it comes to our body's health. O

increase in fat mass, for example, is related to health problems, like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is essential that there is a balance between these masses.

The relationship between lean mass and fat mass should be well evaluated when we turn to the scale. O weight shown on scale it does not necessarily reflect a large amount of fat mass. People with developed muscles, for example, have greater muscle mass and, consequently, greater weight on the scale. To assess body composition, therefore, other methods should be adopted, such as bioimpedance, which uses a device that can assess the percentage of fat, muscle, bones and water in the body.

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Importance of gaining lean mass

As we mentioned, muscle mass is the only portion of lean mass that can be developed through physical activity, and is therefore the mass we will refer to below. The increase in lean mass is important for the health of our body and, contrary to what many people think, it is not only aimed at changing a person's image. Ensure muscle development helps protect bones, joints and also the metabolism.

How to increase lean mass?

Physical activities are important, however, before starting them, a medical evaluation is necessary.
Physical activities are important, however, before starting them, a medical evaluation is necessary.

To ensure an increase in lean mass, the first step is to look for a professional for him to assess the amount of lean mass in his body and the best way to achieve the desired goal. Furthermore, a doctor must be consulted, as some diseases may be influencing your body construction or even hindering the development of some physical activity.

After evaluating your health condition and stipulating the goals that must be achieved, you will need to invest in your food and physical activity. A physical educator and a nutritionist are essential for success to be achieved.

The adoption of a healthy eating, excluding foods with excess sugars and fats and including vitamins, mineral salts and proteins, for example, will be necessary, as well as the performance of activities that promote the stimulation of muscle groups, such as weight training. O use of supplementsmust be carefully evaluated, and should only be used if patched by a doctor or nutritionist.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "What is lean mass?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-massa-magra.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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