What is fever?

One of the most common health problems is fever, which is a symptom of a multitude of illnesses. Despite being associated with pathologies, fever is usually a beneficial factor, as it works as a warning sign that something is wrong.

What is fever?

Fever can be defined as an increase in normal body temperature, which is around 36°C and 37.4°C. It is regulated by a region of the hypothalamus known as a thermoregulating center, which works like a thermostat. When we suffer from a problem, the thermoregulation point rises.

What are normal body temperature values?

Body temperature differs from one part to another for physiological reasons. Therefore, when measuring the temperature, it is necessary to understand what happens in each region. The axillary temperature, for example, presents, on average, 36 ºC or 36.5°C. The oral temperature is between 36 ºC and 37.4 ºC. The rectal temperature, in turn, can vary between 36ºC and 37.5ºC and is, on average, 0.5ºC higher than the temperature observed in the armpit.

In the case of women, it is important to pay attention to the menstrual cycle, which is also an important physiological factor to be considered. In the weeks before ovulation, the temperature is lower and, at the time of ovulation, it increases by 0.6ºC. This variation can be verified by those women who want to get pregnant and need to know their fertile period.

It is important to understand that daytime variations are common and therefore should be considered when checking body temperature. It is considered the peak of our body temperature around 18 hours, it is common to observe variations of up to 1°C. In addition, the performance of physical activities and the environmental temperature can cause an increase in body temperature.

How does fever arise in cases of illness?

When some pathogen enters our body, the cells that carry out phagocytosis are activated. They then begin to produce protein substances that stimulate the production of prostaglandins. It is these prostaglandins that act in the regulatory center of the hypothalamus, leading to increased thermoregulation and, consequently, causing fever.

How should we measure temperature?

The instrument used to measure temperature is the thermometer, and the most used is the one made of glass, with mercury inside. However, there are other types of thermometers, such as digital ones and those specifically for use on a particular area of ​​the body.

Normally the temperature is measured in the armpit, however, the measurement can still be taken in the mouth or rectum. For the measurement in the armpits, it is necessary to dry it and then place the thermometer in the region, holding the arm firmly on the chest for four minutes.

What to do to control fever?

Fever, as mentioned earlier, is a warning sign and does not always need treatment, as it is not a disease. Therefore, the treatment or not of fever depends on several factors that should be discussed with the doctor. Many patients, for example, reach high temperatures, which need care to avoid injury; others are uncomfortable with the problem, and in these cases it is necessary to treat it.

Fever can be controlled with antipyretic drugs, such as acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, as well as non-drug techniques such as baths and cold compresses. It is noteworthy, however, that non-pharmacological mechanisms do not work in isolation, and it is necessary to lower the temperature with medication before starting these techniques.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/biologia/o-que-e-febre.htm

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