New High School: understand the reform

Provisional Measure No. 748/2016 was sanctioned by the President of the Republic, Michel Temer, in February 2017. Now thereHey, the text went through 567 amendments by deputies and senators, which resulted in a change in controversial themes and made the reform of secondary education a little more flexible.

Changing High School through a Provisional Measure and without consulting societygenerated a lot of debate and protests, which caused occupations in schools in several states in 2016, which is why postponed the application of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) for part of the subscribers.

Exclusions from subjects, opening for professionals without a degree to teach and general implementation of comprehensive education were the most controversial issues. Check out below what the New High School looked like after the changes determined by the new law:

How will the New High School be

Division: the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) will be part of 60% of the subjects studied in the classroom. The rest will be reserved for one of the specific areas, also called training itineraries;

Flexibility: students will have to choose a training itinerary at the beginning of high school. The options are: Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Humanities/Social Sciences and Technical/Professional Training;

Mandatory subjects: the subjects of Mathematics and Portuguese, preserving the right to the mother tongue (in the case of indigenous people), will be mandatory throughout secondary education;

Maintenance of disciplines: although excluded from the initial text of the MP, the disciplines of PE, Art, Philosophy and Sociology will be mandatory in the BNCC;

BNCC: will be formed by the contents of compulsory subjects and traditional subjects of high school, such as History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Literature. The content was approved at the end of 2018 by the National Education Council and, days later, approved by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

See the BNCC content here


Increased workload: Before the MP became law, the workload of high school was set at 800 hours per year. With the sanction, schools will have five years to expand this load to 1,000 hours annually, divided into 200 school days.

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Full-time teaching: Gradually, all high schools will move to full-time, having their hours expanded to 1,400 hours, the equivalent of seven hours a day. The goal of the National Education Plan (PNE) is that, by 2024, 50% of schools and 25% of enrollments in basic education will be full-time.

The increase in the workload will be possible thanks to the Policy to Promote the Implementation of High Schools in Time Integral from the Federal Government, which foresees the transfer of R$ 1.5 billion, over two years, for the conclusion of the Implementation. This aid will be for ten years.

BNCC Credit Hours: the content of the BNCC cannot exceed 1,800 hours of the total workload of high school.


You professionals with "remarkable knowledge" will be able to teach in high school without a bachelor's degree, but only for students who choose the area of ​​Technical and Professional Training. An engineer can teach in the Buildings course, for example. In addition, these professionals will be able to do pedagogical complementation to teach high school.

credit system

Module: High School can be organized in modules, adopting the credit system;

Taking advantage of subjects: The credits can be used for the use of subjects in higher education, encouraging the continuity of studies.

When does the New High School take effect?

With the law validated on February 16, 2017, the adequacy of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), responsible for the first half of secondary education, should be completed by 2020, for full implementation in 2022. The subjects that will be common to all students were approved in December 2018.
By Lorraine Vilela
Brazil School Team

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CAMPOS, Lorraine Vilela. "New High School: understand the reform"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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