Technical writing: what is it, what is it for, structure

THE technical writing is the set of textual genres used by public agencies and companies to promote communication with its recipients in an objective and impartial manner, following the rules of the cultured norm.

The most used genres in the construction of a technical writing are:

  • memo;

  • craft;

  • ok;

  • Order of Service.

The construction of a technical writing must comply with the requirements of the document, locating the reader by date, recipient, location and subject.

Read too: Review - textual genre that aims to make critical surveys about a work

When writing a technical essay, it is necessary to be aware of the objectives of the text and the cultured norm of the language.
When writing a technical essay, it is necessary to be aware of the objectives of the text and the cultured norm of the language.

Characteristics of technical writing

Technical writing is a text that differs from literary writings because, in addition to using the language denotative, it is a formal and very concise text.. It has some peculiarities in terms of structure and style, as they are official documents.

  • Impersonality: distancing the author of the text from the theme and eliminating subjectivities.

  • Formality: scope of the standardization of the text, obeying the characteristics foreseen in the genre.

  • Conciseness: write only the essentials, in a few words.

  • Language level: use of the standard norm of the Portuguese language.

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Types of technical writing

Below are the most common genres in the field of technical writing. It is important to highlight that there are numerous other genres aimed at establishing official or corporate communication.

  • Memo: has the objective of establishing the circulation of certain information within a company or public agency.

  • Craft: text with the purpose of requesting, claiming, notifying or formally communicating about a certain matter.

  • Minutes: text with the purpose of reporting or recording events at a meeting, convention, symposium, etc.

  • Order of Service: is intended to internally communicate actions that need to be taken regarding a job.

See too: Narrative chronicle - genre marked by brief actions and with determined time and space

How to write a technical writing

When writing a technical essay, it is necessary to be aware of the objectives of the text and to the cultured norm. So please review the following points.

  • Be sure of the relevance of the document to be issued: It is important to think about the relevance of the document, as it is a manifestation that will establish communication in a very serious and committed way. Therefore, when writing the technical text, think about how it will be received by the interlocutors.

  • Conciseness: to be concise is to give as much as possible in a minimum of words. Note below some expressions that can be replaced by concise constructions.

Rather than


We use this to inform

We inform

I hereby inform you

We inform

We acknowledge receipt

We received

We hereby thank you


Due to the fact that


  • Establish the recipient: the recipient can be a person, department, company.
  • Establish the subject or theme: insert the subject or theme of the document just below the header.

  • Text body: develop the central paragraph of the document according to the standard policy, in a clear way.

  • Close: it is the moment when the reader understands that the communication is being ended in the form of compliance. Examples: best, respectfully, cordially.

It is important to think about the relevance of the document, as it is a manifestation that will establish communication in a very serious and committed way.
It is important to think about the relevance of the document, as it is a manifestation that will establish communication in a very serious and committed way.

Example of a technical writing: memo

Goiânia, October 25, 2020

To the Head of the Technology Department

Subject matter: Installation of new work terminals

I would ask you to verify the possibility of installing new work terminals in the administration rooms.

The facilities must comply with the criteria provided for in the company's engineering treaties and must comply with a maximum period of 15 working days.



General Assistant

note the organization of text layout. The date is isolated from any other element, since, when searching for files, locating the document by date is one of the search criteria. Next, notice who the memo is directed to—in this case, the head of a department. Compare the subject to the body of the text: note the degree of conciseness, objectivity and demand according to the company's technical parameters. Once all the necessary elements are exposed, the document is closed in a cordial manner, followed by the proper closing, which consists of the sender's name and respective function.

by Marcelo Sartel
writing teacher

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