Grade 1000 writing: how-to and examples

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To reach the ideal level, the dreamed writing grade 1000, it is necessary to have a lot of knowledge. In the National High School Exam (And either), in 30 lines, it is necessary to create an excellent essay-argumentative text. dominate the Portuguese language, O theme requested and the textual genre characteristics are fundamental to achieving the maximum score.

Writing score 1000 on Enem

In writing the Enem, candidates are required to compose a dissertation-argumentative text with solution proposal. To understand how to produce excellent textual production in this exam, it is necessary to pay attention to at least three points:

  • Domain of the Portuguese language, both in its grammatical aspects how much in its elements of cohesion and coherence;

  • Possession of a good sociocultural background, that is, of diversified and quality knowledge about the topic addressed;

  • Have a clear perception of the structural characteristics of the dissertation-argumentative text.

Read too: Writing tips for Enem

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Why is it important to get a good grade in the writing of Enem?

The newsroom has fundamental role in the Enem test. It is very important to get a good grade in this area, as it represents - in addition to the particularities of weights in the grade established by each educational institution - 1000 points. In addition, if the student take zero in the writing of the National High School Exam, your entrance exam is considered nullified, with the grades in the objective tests being invalidated.


See, below, the writing of Isabel Dória, a student who got a 1000 grade in the 2018 Enem, whose theme was: "Manipulation of user behavior by controlling data on the internet".

In 'The Imitation Game', the character Alan Turing hinders the advance of Nazi Germany when he manages to decipher the algorithms corresponding to Hitler's war project. Given this, one can observe, since the second half of the twentieth century, the relevance of technological knowledge to achieve certain goals. However, unlike this context, today, technology is often used not for good collective, as in the film, but for individual advantages, by manipulating data from users of the Internet. Thus, it is essential to analyze the reasons that make this problem a reality in the contemporary world.

First, it is important to address the difficulty of regulating websites regarding access to data for those who are inserted in the virtual environment. According to the philosopher Kant, the person is an end in itself, and not a means of achieving particular interests. In this sense, this humanist logic is broken by verifying that, today, many companies transform the consumer into an instrument of profit. This is because the barriers to the control of manipulation, characterized by the difficulty of identifying the agents of such action, made it impossible to protect users, especially on social networks, which are the main link between people and companies and their advertisements. advertising. Therefore, individuals are bombarded by advertisements, which will contribute to drawing individual profiles, directing consumption and also influencing the choices and tastes of each one.

Furthermore, another factor to be highlighted is the lack of information regarding the internet. With the advent of the Third Industrial Revolution, there is a population increasingly surrounded by technology, but unprepared to deal with it. It is perceived, in most educational institutions, that education is incomplete, since, despite having contact with computers and cell phones, the child grows up not knowing how to correctly discern which data may be public and how to protect it from systems smart. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a reconfiguration in education to train individuals aware of the risks that the internet can offer.

It becomes evident, therefore, that the manipulation of the user's behavior is harmful to his right to privacy. Thus, it is up to the Executive to combat the manipulation of donations, through investment in the Ministry of Science and Technology, which will improve the inspection of companies' virtual systems and will develop an information technology sector, towards the broad protection of users of the environment cybernetic. Furthermore, it is incumbent upon the Legislature to include subjects such as Informatics and Technological Education in the curriculum, through the amendment to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, to which will allow for teaching support on threats to virtual data and on how to deal with social networks, in order to create greater concern with the security of information. In this way, it will be possible to build a society that is more autonomous and less guided by business interests.

See too: More writings of Enem 2018

Isabel Dória's text is an ideal Enem model dissertation. This, because, in the essay, the author demonstrates that she has total domain of standard norm of the Portuguese language, as well as the cohesion and coherence mechanisms needed to build a text clear and logical.

In addition, the writer presents a wide sociocultural baggage citing Kant's thought, in the first argumentative paragraph, and developing a reflection on the Third Industrial Revolution, in the second argument. Also, it is worth mentioning that the student shows knowledge about the Brazilian government structures, by suggesting solutions involving the Ministry of Science and Technology or even the Legislative Power.

Finally, the text was graded 1000, too, as it corresponds very well to the structure of the dissertation-argumentative genre, to know:

  • presentation of a point of view or thesis;

  • defense of the thesis through arguments;

  • suggestion of practical and detailed intervention proposal for the problems discussed in the text.

Read too: Five Habits to Improve Your Writing


It is always worth remembering, to write a 1000 grade essay, it is important to:

  • design text before writing;

  • build a draft;

  • produce a final revised version post-draft;

  • keep extra attention on the rules of grammar;

  • read whenever possible to broaden sociocultural baggage;

  • study the characteristics of the textual genre that one intends to write.

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