What is Folklore

Folklore it's the set of traditions and popular manifestations consisting of legends, myths, proverbs, dances and customs that are passed down from generation to generation.

The word originates in English, in which "folklore" means folk wisdom. The word is formed by joining folk (people) and lore (wisdom or knowledge).

Folklore is the set of expressions and cultural manifestations that symbolize popular culture and have great importance in the identity of a people, a nation. The folk tradition is passed down through the generations.

Folklore is the product of a country's culture and each country has unique elements of folklore. Brazilian folklore, for example, is full of legends about mysterious and supernatural creatures, such as the Boto, the Iara, the Curupira, the Saci or the Mula Sem Cabeça.

Folklore mainly unites:

  • Local customs and values
  • Oral tradition and told stories
  • Beliefs and Superstitions

UNESCO is an international organization that tries to safeguard cultural heritage and raise awareness of the importance of folklore heritage and the need to preserve popular culture.

Brazilian folklore

Brazilian folklore is very rich and there is a wide variety of cultural events throughout Brazil. Just a few examples:

  • Popular partiesAttractions: Carnival, June Festivals, Cavalhadas, Festa do Divino;
  • Legends and Myths: Saci-Pererê, Negrinho do pastoreio, Headless mule, Werewolf, Curupira, Boggart, Boitatá;
  • Music and dance: Frevo, Samba, Fandango, Xaxado, Xote, Maracatu, Pau-de-fita, Quadrilha
  • circle songs: Throwing Pau no Gato, Slaves of Job, Ciranda-cirandinha, O Cravo ea Rosa, Sapo Cururu.

In Brazil, the Folklore Day is celebrated on the 22nd of August.

Learn more about Brazilian folklore and the Brazilian Folklore Characters.

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