5 Characteristics of Surrealism

Surrealism was an avant-garde artistic movement that emerged in Paris, at the beginning of the 20th century, to stand up to rationalism and materialism of Eastern society.

Among the features that stand out the most are:

1. free expression of thought


The main motto of surrealism was the free expression of thought, ruled only by the impulses of the subconscious. He despised logic and was against the standards set by the order and morals of society at the time.

His works were not restricted to fine arts and literature. He also influenced artistic manifestations such as theater and cinema.

2. Influence of Freud's theories

The main feature of the surrealist movement is the significant influence of psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, who value the importance of the unconscious in boosting human creativity.

For Freud, man must free his mind from the logic imposed by the behavioral patterns of society and give vent to dreams and everything that the unconscious tells us.

Learn more about Psychoanalysis.

3. superior reality

Another important feature of surrealism is the creation of a reality superior to the reality imposed by the bourgeois society of the time, as if this reality were above realism.

The main objective of surrealism was go beyond the limits of imagination and logical tradition. imposed by the artistic ideas that prevailed since the Renaissance.

Learn more about Rebirth.

4. Valuing the unconscious and dreams

memory persistence

Another important point of surrealism was the valorization of fantasy, madness and automatic reaction reflected in its works. Many artists let themselves be carried away by impulse, recording only what came to mind.

5. Use of abstract elements

Surrealist works were characterized by abstract elements and forms that were based on fantasy and the dimension of the imagination.

Artists always sought perfection between drawings and colors, within the imaginary universe, using resources such as optical illusions and dissociation between images and captions.

See more about the Surrealism and Vanguard.

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