Speech Therapy and Health Plans

Speech therapy is a profession that is currently presenting a scientific and human advance in the country. It is up to the speech therapist to treat and reintegrate the individual into the environment, specifically when they present changes in their voice, hearing, language and oral motor skills.

Really because it is a professional area that works with people of different age groups, working in different parts of the human body in search of improving the quality of life of people, especially those in need of rehabilitation, it is extremely necessary that health plans include this professional.

Despite Law 9,656/98, responsible for regulating Health Plans in Brazil, which has been in force since January 4, 1999, excluding speech therapy from the coverage of health insurance and health insurances, after the struggle of speech therapists, behold, the great conquest.

As of April 2, 2008, the coverage of speech therapy coverage for all health plan beneficiaries becomes effective.

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This decision comes from Normative Resolution No. 167, published on January 10 of this year, in the Official Gazette of Union, which reviews the List of Procedures and Events in Health and expands coverage for beneficiaries of health plans health.

It is noteworthy that this new resolution is valid for plans that have a contract date from January 1999, as well as the guarantee of multidisciplinary treatment in accordance with the changes made by the ANS (National Agency of Health).

In addition to Speech Therapy, the coverage of health plans aimed at providing care in Occupational Therapy, Nutrition and Psychotherapy, and the limit of sessions cannot exceed 6 sessions/consultations per year, except for psychotherapy services, with a limit 12 sessions.

By Elen Cristine M. Whitewashed Fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy

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CAIADO, Elen Cristine Maia Campos. "Speech Therapy and Health Plans"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fonoaudiologia/a-fonoaudiologia-os-planos-saude.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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