Speech therapy will soon be conquering its space in public health. This benefit will soon be achieved by the population, since on January 24 of this year it was approved through of Ordinance 154 of the Ministry of Health, which authorizes the implementation of the Nasf (Health Support Centers of the Family).
One of the main objectives of this ordinance is the formation of teams made up of professionals from different areas of knowledge who will work together with other professionals, who are already part of the programs developed by the Health Teams of the Family.
To develop work in public health, 13 higher education professionals were required:
1. Speech therapist
2. Psychologist
3. Occupational Therapist
4. Nutritionist
5. Pharmaceutical
6. social worker
7. Physical educator
8. Physiotherapist
9. Doctors in the following specialties: Acupuncture;
10. Gynecology;
11. Homeopathy;
12. Pediatrics;
13. Psychiatry.
According to the ordinance 154 of the Ministry of Health, the Nasf will have two types of nucleus to be inserted, and the speech therapist will benefit from being able to work in both.
The first, Nasf 1, requires that it be composed of five professionals from different areas of expertise in which a nucleus cannot be composed of two professionals in the same area, for example: 02 speech therapists, 02 social workers, and must be linked to at least 08 and at most 20 teams from the family.
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The second, Nasf 2, must be composed of at least 03 professionals from non-coincident areas and be linked to at least three Family Health teams.
It is noteworthy that this is an extremely significant achievement for speech therapists, especially by becoming present in all health segments, regardless of the degree of complexity, as well as the recognition of this health professional public.
By Elen Cristine M. Whitewashed Fields
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
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CAIADO, Elen Cristine Maia Campos. "Speech Therapy in Public Health"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fonoaudiologia/a-fonoaudiologia-na-saude-publica.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.