Meaning of Star of David (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Star of David is a symbol also known as shield of David used by followers of Judaism. It is a symbol that has different interpretations and is present in various cultural and religious manifestations.Star of David

In Hebrew, the expression Star of David is "Magen David"which means shield of David. It is a symbol of royalty, and in ancient times many of the warriors of the people of Israel used this symbol on their shields during battles.

The Star of David is also known by some people as Seal of Solomon, who was the son of David and considered the richest and wisest king of Israel.

It is a symbol of great value to Jews and Israelis, and is part of the flag of Israel, as you can see in the image. Despite this, not all Israelis are in favor of the Star of David on the flag of Israel, because not all of them follow Judaism. Several people indicate that this symbol designates a Zionist state, which does not correspond to the beliefs and ideologies of a part of the country.

Historians indicate that the symbol is made up of two triangles because in the Hebrew alphabet used at the time of King David the name "David" was made up of three letters,

Dalet, Vav and Dalet, with the letter Dalet having a triangular shape. Thus, the Star of David is formed by superimposing two of the three letters of the name David.

Some authors indicate that one of the triangles represents man and his three aspects (body, soul and spirit) and the other refers to God and its vertices express the Holy Trinity (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Kabbalah, for example, indicates that the Star of David refers to the confrontation of good against evil, spiritual against physical. Furthermore, the twelve sides of the star can represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

During the burnt offering, the Nazis identified Jews in concentration camps by depicting the Star of David on their clothing.

Star of David and Umbanda

Over the years, various religions or sects began to use the Star of David symbol, giving it new meaning. This is the case of Umbanda which indicates that each vertex of the triangles is related to an Umbanda entity.

Star of David, Freemasonry and the Occult

According to Masonic writer Nicola Aslan, the Star of David is the visual representation of a class of Freemasonry symbols relating to God, creation and perfection.

Some people link the Star of David with the occult, however there is no evidence that its origin is linked with the occultism. Sometimes there is confusion between the Star of David (which has a hexagon inside), a six-pointed star, with the Pentagram, a five-pointed star that has a pentagon inside it and has several meanings esoteric. When the five-pointed star has both points pointing upwards, it is related to Satanism.

read all about judaism.

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