Distance Education - Prerequisites

With the facilities of the modern world, it became possible for education to be done at a distance. However, for this to happen, it is essential that the student has some knowledge, prerequisites considered basic for this new way of studying.

For interactivity between teacher and student, student and website to happen, it is necessary for the student to present the techniques fundamental to operationalize the microcomputer, so that it obtains a satisfactory learning from the course that it has wanted.

Knowing how to navigate the internet is a requirement of Distance Education courses, so that the student can do the necessary studies and research.

Some courses require the student to master more sophisticated tools, due to the teleconferences and videos that must be watched.

Identifying the access icons, that is, the symbols to be able to circulate within the website or directory must also be a student domain.

Knowing how to operate a printer is essential, as the materials available in the courses are released for this. However, the student must have knowledge of how to use the folders archived on the site to transfer them to the your own computer, having mastery of how to compress and defrag them, resources better known as zip. This knowledge also helps to organize your own files, being able to separate them by disciplines of the course.

Making electronic mail operational is also a requirement, as homework assignments and homework sent to the student will have to be returned to the teachers via email.

As for the type of machine or equipment, the student must have a computer with its own configuration, good speed internet and programs that allow the necessary communication with the course in the more advanced.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

See more!
EAD - First Steps
Choosing a course to take at a distance

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/educacao-distanciaprerequisitos.htm

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