Learn how to check your PIS number to withdraw FGTS

For those born between January and February, the extraordinary withdrawal from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) can now be carried out.

The PIS can reach up to R$ 1 thousand, and to carry out the consultation on who has the right to withdraw, you can Platforms such as the Caixa Econômica website, the FGTS application and at Caixa Econômica Federal branches are used Federal.

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To know more about how to carry out the PIS consultation to withdraw the FGTS, check it out!

Read more: 500,000 workers did not withdraw PIS/PASEP amounts.

What is PIS?

The PIS is the so-called Social Integration Program, which allows workers to have access to rights and benefits, such as salary bonuses. However, it is only used in specific situations, which is why users often “forget the number”.

Even more so, since their number is generated during the worker's first job. For this reason, especially for those who have known this fact for a long time, it is possible that this number is noted in their first Employment Card, on your FGTS statements, on your Citizen Card, or it can be obtained at any Caixa branch Economical.

How to carry out the PIS consultation

The query regarding PIS values ​​and their availability can be carried out through the website of Caixa, or through the FGTS application, or even in person at Caixa branches Economical.

Carrying out the Consultation through the website, it will be necessary to inform the NIS (Pis/Pasep) and use a password registered by the worker himself. It is also possible to use the password referring to the Citizen Card.

How to find out the PIS number

To do this research, the Social Security phone number (135) can be used. For this, you will need to inform your CPF, and then select option 5. It is also possible to use the Caixa Cidadão service, through the telephone number 0800-7260207.

In addition, if you prefer the practicality of the apps, this query can also be carried out in the app. from CTPS Digital, in the FGTS application, Caixa Trabalhador and Caixa Tem – available in the Android version and iOS.

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