Meaning of Chapada (What it is, Concept and Definition)

plated are land with extensive flat surfaces in mountain regions with altitudes generally above 600 meters. It is a vast plain with undergrowth.

In Brazil, the chapadas are found in the North, Northeast and Center-West regions and usually have a National Park created to preserve nature. The most touristic plateaus in Brazil are:

  • Chapada Diamantina - It is the largest Brazilian plateau and is located in the state of Bahia. It attracts tourists from various regions of Brazil and the world. In this plateau are located the two highest points of Bahia: Pico do Barbado (2 033m) and Pico das Almas (1958m).
  • Chapada dos Guimarães - Located in the state of Mato Grosso. Chapada dos Guimarães is also the name of the municipality. The place offers several attractions to tourists.
  • Chapada dos Veadeiros - Located in Goiás. The plateau has the particularity of attracting people who wish to contemplate the phenomenon of UFO observation (unidentified flying objects).

Chapada is also a Brazilian slang that designates a very drunk person. Still in slang, it designates a slap or a blow.

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