Meaning of Homesickness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Longing is a feeling caused by distance or absence of something or someone. It has its origins in Latin, with the meaning of loneliness.

It is a word that has no literal translation in many languages. Saudade is one of the most used words in love poetry, in romantic songs in the Portuguese language. Saudade means the memory of something that happened and an intense desire to relive certain moments.

Saudade, according to legend, arose in the period of the Discoveries and defined the loneliness that the Portuguese who came to Brazil had of their land and their relatives. They were attacked by a melancholy for feeling so alone and distant from their own.

The term saudade generated many derivatives, such as nostalgia, and the one who misses something or something is the nostalgic. The term nostalgic is often used when referring to someone who has died, and who brings us great memories.

We can miss a friend who has left, a food we haven't tasted for a long time, a city we know and would like to return, a very happy period of our lives, missing the children as children, missing the parents who have already left, missing the house where we were born, we live for a long time. time etc.

There is an expression that says "kill the longing." It means that the moment the individual sees the object of his suffering, he becomes happy and happy, therefore he is killing that longing.

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