Meaning of Kaput (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Kaput is a slang meaning "broken", "ruined", "destroyed". It is a word derived from the German "kaputt" which means "broken", "damaged". Indicates that something is "detonated", "ruined". For example, when the computer does not work, the computer is said to be "kaputt"! In other words, the computer "crashed", "crashed".

Sometimes there is great confusion between the word "kaput" and the Latin word "caput" (head). A possible explanation for the relationship of the two terms would be the period in the Middle Ages when bubonic plague killed many people. The dead were counted by head. The relationship with the German word "kaputt" would refer to each dead person (each head) as lost, annihilated, useless.

The Latin word "caput", meaning "head", is used to indicate the highest part of something that has been referred to, the main part. It is widely used in legal texts, articles of law in codes, constitutions, etc.

An example is Article 1 of the Brazilian Constitution, whose head is: "The Federative Republic of Brazil, formed by the union indissoluble from the States and Municipalities and the Federal District, it constitutes a Democratic State of Law and has as fundamentals".

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