White jabuticaba. White jabuticaba, an endangered species

Known by its indigenous name, ibatinga, which means "white fruit", or also by jabuticaba-verde and jabuticabatinga, the jabuticaba-branca (myrciaria aureana) is endangered species.

The jabuticaba-branca is a small tree that reaches a maximum of 5 meters in height, and only occurs in a small range. the Atlantic Forest, in Rio de Janeiro, and in the Serra da Mantiqueira valleys, both in São Paulo and in Minas General.

Because it is green when ripe, it is known as the fruit that never ripens; It has a soft, watery and acidic, but sweetish pulp. As it is a fruit that, when ripe, is still unripe, the best way to know if the fruit is ready to be consumed is by looking at its surface. If the bark is slightly velvety, it can be harvested without fear. can be used in nature or in jellies, liqueurs, pies, wines, sweets and ice cream.

Its fruit is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus and calcium. It was formerly used in the treatment of asthma and tuberculosis, with the water obtained from the boiling of its leaves and fruits used in gargling by serenaders.

Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/frutas/jabuticaba-branca.htm

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