Moroccan fertilizer company wants to set up a unit in Brazil

It is estimated that the company Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), which ranks second as the largest producer of fertilizers, will open a unit in Brazil. According to the news, a delegation made up of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply went to Rabat, the capital of Morocco, in order to meet with some representatives of the company.

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According to minister Marcos Montes, the objective of the alliance with the Moroccan state-owned company is to increase the dissemination of national phosphate production, in addition to helping in the compensation for the absence of the product due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, since these countries occupy the ranking of the largest fertilizer producers around the world. world. Another point to be benefited is the implementation of the National Fertilizer Plan.

When mentioning some details about the meeting, Montes stated that both have a similar vision, with regard to sustainability and safety. world food supply, and also highlighted that the company from Mostafa Terrab declared real interest in setting up a phosphate processing unit in the country.

The minister likewise reinforced the responsibility that this meeting places on both. “We have this joint responsibility, both this company, owner of the largest phosphate reserve in the world, such as Brazil, which has a large amount of land and strong scientific technology to produce food for the world".

In addition, it is known that Morocco has around 70% of the world's reserves of phosphate rock, being considered the largest supplier of phosphorus to Brazil. Its activities have been carried out on Brazilian soil since 2010, with seven offices spread across the country.

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