Main Cities in Brazil. Cities that are featured in Brazil

The Brazilian territory contains 26 states and a Federal District. Each state has important cities in the cultural, tourist, environmental, historical, economic aspects, among others. But when it comes to cities in Brazil, some are worth mentioning, either for their participation in the country's economy, by its historical context, by its population concentration, among others. criteria. Among the various Brazilian cities we can highlight:

Brasilia: It is the capital of Brazil, located in the Midwest Region. Brasília has a territorial extension of 5,802 km² and a population of 2,570,160 inhabitants*.

Sao Paulo: Capital of the state of São Paulo, its territorial extension is 1,523 km². The population is made up of 11,253,503* inhabitants, in addition to being among the most populous cities in the world.

City of São Paulo, capital of the state of São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro: It is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, covering 1,182 km². The population is made up of 6,320,446* inhabitants. It has an important historical and architectural collection, in addition to its natural beauty that attracts many tourists.

City of Rio de Janeiro, capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro

savior: Capital of Bahia, its territorial extension is 707 km². The population is made up of 2,675,656* inhabitants. It was the first capital of Brazil and has beautiful buildings from the colonial period.

Salvador, capital of Bahia

Belo Horizonte: Capital of the state of Minas Gerais, its territorial extension is 331 km². The population is made up of 2,375,151 * inhabitants.

Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais²

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strength: Capital of the state of Ceará, its territorial extension is 313 km². The population is made up of 2,452,185* inhabitants. It has 90 km of beaches, a fact that attracts tourists from all over the world.

Fortaleza, capital of Ceará

Curitiba: Capital of the state of Paraná, its territorial extension is 435 km². The population is made up of 1,751,907* inhabitants. It has one of the best quality of life standards among all capitals in Brazil.

Curitiba, capital of Paraná

Manaus: Capital of the state of Amazonas, its territorial extension is 11,401 km². The population is made up of 1,802,014* inhabitants. It features architectural landmarks from the heyday of rubber.

Manaus, capital of Amazonas.

Recife: Capital of the state of Pernambuco, its territorial extension is 217 km². The population is made up of 1,537,704* inhabitants. It has beautiful beaches and Dutch architecture.

Refice, capital of Pernambuco.

Porto Alegre: Capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, its territorial extension is 497 km². The population is made up of 1,409,351* inhabitants. It is one of the most leafy cities in the country.


*The population of each city follows data from the 2010 Demographic Census, carried out by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).


¹ Image credits: gary yim and

² Image credits: Luiz C. brook and

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Main Cities of Brazil"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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