Amazon regional complex. Aspects of the Amazon Regional Complex

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Brazil is regionalized in two ways: in five regions (North, South, Midwest, Northeast and Southeast) and in regional complexes (Center-South, Northeast and Amazon). The large regional complexes were formed based on socioeconomic criteria.

O Amazon regional complex corresponds to about 60% of the country's territory, where only 7% of the entire national population live, appearing as the least populated. Because the number of absolute and relative population is modest, there was a large demographic gap, which promoted the isolation of the region from other parts of the country, in addition to preventing further development economic. The natural landscapes (equatorial forest) and the climate (hot and rainy) are the most characteristic factors of this regional complex.

The economic activities developed in the Amazon regional complex for a long time were basically linked to plant extraction and mineral (primary activity), while industrial production remained stable for a long time, that is, with no growth significant; which proves the small participation of this part of the country in industrial production.

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From the 1980s onwards, the eastern portion of this regional complex managed to achieve an increase in the indices of development as well as settlement, arising from agricultural occupation and the intensification of extraction mineral. However, the way this process is taking place has left a negative balance in the region, especially in the environmental sphere, as the Amazon Forest has been destroyed with the aim of serving a minority of people.

Mining has occupied a prominent place, as there are important mineral deposits, such as Serra dos Carajás and Oriximiná. Agricultural production has been widespread in the region, with cattle raising and the cultivation of monocultures, such as soybeans.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Amazon Regional Complex"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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