The question of the earth

It is not new that Brazil is said to be a country of contrasts. More than that, of contradictions.

Perhaps one of the most glaring inconsistencies in our society can be seen in the tripod work - land - food. This is because, at the same time that there is still, in our country, a considerable area of ​​vacant land and not used for agro-pastoral purposes, there is a large number of workers willing to have their own piece of floor. Parallel to this, there are millions of undernourished people throughout the national territory.
There is an unequal distribution of land in our country, that is, there is a huge number of small landowners on the one hand and a reduced number of owners of large rural properties on the other.

The land concentration in our country has been increasing, with an aggravating factor: the Amazon and the cerrados have become, since 1970, the new agricultural frontier regions.
Saying that these new agricultural frontiers in the country means saying that in other regions, that is, Northeast, Southeast and South, there are practically no more lands available for the practice farming. Furthermore, the value of rural properties in these areas has become very high, forcing less capitalized farmers to leave their home states in search of cheaper land. With that, there are some important questions, such as:

- increase in the environmental impacts caused by the clearing of the original vegetation in huge areas, to make way for pastures and agricultural crops;
- invasion of indigenous lands and the need for their delimitation;
- growth of conflicts between squatters and squatters, causing not only an increase in violence in the countryside but also the expulsion of families of squatters, who are forced to occupy land in increasingly distant points within the territory national.
- Therefore, the question of land, Brazil, opposes various groups, such as boiás-frias, Indians, small landowners, colonists, squatters, squatters, large landowners and even miners, among others.

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "The Question of the Earth"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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