What is linguistic variation?

⇒ What is linguistic variation?

THE linguistic variation it is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the diversification of a language's systems in relation to the possibilities of changing its elements (vocabulary, pronunciation, morphology, syntax). it exists because languages ​​have the characteristic of being dynamic and sensitive to factors like the geographic region, O sex, a age, a social class of the speaker and the degree of formality the context of communication.

It is important to note that all linguistic variation is adequate to meet the communicative and cognitive needs of the speaker. Thus, when we judge a certain variety wrong, we are making a value judgment about its speakers and, therefore, acting with linguistic prejudice.

⇒ Types of linguistic variation

→ Regional variety

They are those that demonstrate the difference between the speeches of inhabitants from different regions of the country, different states and cities. For example, speakers of the State of Minas Gerais have a different form in relation to the speech of speakers of Rio de Janeiro.

Note the regional variation approach in a poem by Oswald de Andrade:

speech addiction

To say corn they say mio

for the better they say mió

for worse

For tile they say web

for roof they say web

And they build roofs.

Now, see a comparative chart of some variations of expressions used in the Northeast, North and South regions:

Northeast region

South region

North region

crack – naked, soccer game

Campo Santo - cemetery

little one - little

Jerimum -pumpkin

lift the leg - ride a horse

Umborimbora? -Let's go?

sustenance – food energy

Guacho – animal that was raised without a mother

took the bran - he died

→ Social Varieties

They are varieties that have differences in phonological or morphosyntactic level. Look:

  • Phonological - “weep” instead of “plant”; “good” instead of “good”; “poverty” instead of “problem”; “bicycle” instead of “bicycle”.

  • Morphosyntactics - “ten reais” instead of “ten reais”; “I saw her” instead of “I saw her”; “I truci” instead of “I brought”; “we smoke” instead of “we went”.

→ Stylistic Varieties

These are the language changes according to the degree of formality, that is, the language can vary between a formal language and an informal language.

  • Formal language: it is used in formal communicative situations, such as a lecture, a congress, a business meeting, etc.

  • Informal language: it is used in informal communicative situations such as family gatherings, meeting friends, etc. In these cases, there is the use of colloquial language.

  • Slang or Jargon

It is a type of language used by a particular social group, making it different from other speakers of the language. THE slang it is usually related to the language of groups of young people (skaters, surfers, rappers, etc.). O jargon it is generally related to the language of professional groups (teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc.)

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-variacao-linguistica.htm

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