Virginia. state of virginia

Virginia is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. The same is limited to West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia to the north; with the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean to the east, North Carolina and Tennessee to the south, and Kentucky and West Virginia to the west.
Founded in 1607, Virginia had been the first British settlement in the Americas. The province was one of the Thirteen Colonies that fought against such domination in the US War of Independence. In fact, Virginia became an American state on June 25, 1788. One of the most common nicknames of the state is “Mother of Presidents” since eight American presidents, including the distinguished George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were born in the State.
Potomac and James are Virginia's most important rivers; about 60% of its territory is covered by forests. The state has a temperate climate, with average temperatures of 0ºC in winter and 24ºC in summer.
Its economy is of significant importance to the United States. In 2006, Virginia was named the best state in which to do business in the entire country. Agriculture, although it was once the main source of income for it, currently accounts for only 1% of its GDP. The third sector is the most important for the State, mainly the provision of community and personal services.

Virginia's largest ethnic groups are Germans, African Americans, Americans, British and Irish. Its capital is Richmond, a city of 197,790 inhabitants.

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DANTAS, James. "Virginia"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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