Meaning of Debauchery (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Debauchery is a term from the French "debauchery", means debauchery and it is characteristic of someone who lives a life of libertine. Many people consider debauchery the opposite of freedom.

Someone who exercises debauchery is someone who is wanton, dissolute, licentious (abusing freedom), impious, insubordinate and not submissive. In some cases you can also be considered a free thinker. Debauchery can also be associated with religious unbelief. One of the most common cases of debauchery is when a person inconsiderately indulges in sexual pleasures.

Debauchery is a misuse of an individual's freedom, it is the extrapolation of freedom, and when that happens, the limits are crossed and the physical, emotional or psychological integrity of another person is put in cause. Debauchery leads to a lack of respect for others, and indicates a lack of dignity and good character.

freedom and debauchery

Many people confuse freedom with debauchery, using this confusion to push the limits without feeling a burden on their conscience. However, the concept of freedom and debauchery varies from person to person, depending on the moral values ​​that govern their lives. Knowing the exact boundary between freedom and debauchery is a topic that has been discussed and thought about for many years. For example, having sex with a different partner every night can be considered freedom for some and debauchery for others.

Manuel Bandeira and debauchery

Libertinagem is a book published in 1930 by the Brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira. The book consists of 38 poems (two of which are in French) that were written between 1924 and 1930, and the most recognized are "Pneumothorax", "Family Pension", "Deeply" and "I'm going away to Pasárgada".

Many of these poems have a confessional style and feature humor, novelty, musical refinement and sensuality, which instill a high emotional intensity in the work. Death is another theme addressed in Manuel Bandeira's poetry, as the poet struggled against tuberculosis for most of his life.

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