Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)

Noise-induced hearing loss, once installed in the individual, cannot be cured, what can be avoided is that the disease progresses. PAIR has several causative agents, such as industrial noise, chemical products (solvents, metals, asphyxiants, among others).
According to scholars, PAIR emerged many years ago as a result of historical facts, for example, in the Middle Ages in China, the discovery of gunpowder and its use caused PAIR in several people, as well as the deafness of railway workers and weavers at the time of the Revolution Industrial.
The main features of PAIR are:
• Has irreversible sensorineural loss, with cochlear predominance;
• Prolonged exposure to noise levels above 85 dB (8 hours);
• Gradual loss over 6 to 10 years;
• Starts at high frequencies;
• Stabilizes when noise exposure stops.
Noise causes several hearing changes. Watch:
• Acoustic trauma
• TTS (temporary hearing loss and temporary threshold shift)
• PTS (permanent deviation from thresholds)
PAIR has several signs and symptoms:

• Hearing (hearing loss, tinnitus and difficulty in sound discrimination);
• Hearing Disorders (Behavioral, Cardiovascular, Digestive, Vestibular, Neurological and Communication).
To obtain a correct diagnostic evaluation, it is suggested that some procedures be carried out such as:
Detailed anamnesis
• Work History;
• Family history;
• Complaints like tinnitus among others;
• Previous use of ototoxics, etc.
• Otoscopy;
• Tonal and vocal audiometry;
• Impedance analysis;
• Evoked potentials: BERA and EOA.
Exam preparation
• Acoustic rest before the workday or 14 to 16 hours after.
Ideally, all people seek the prevention of NIHL, which can be done through Hearing Conservation Programs (PCA) which includes personal protective equipment and protector auditory. It is noteworthy that when choosing the types and models of protectors, some aspects should be taken into account such as:
• Degree of comfort provided by the equipment;
• Easy placement, handling and maintenance;
• Noise attenuation capability;
• Lifespan;
• Product cost.

By Elen Cristine Campos Caiado
Graduated in Speech Therapy and Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

Speech Therapy - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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