Sport Club Corinthians Paulista

Corinthians is not a popular team today. Workers from the Bairro do Bom Retiro (a popular neighborhood in the city of São Paulo) came together to found a football team, on the day September 1, 1910, the Sport Clube Corinthians Paulista. The idea was to compete in a varzea championship in the city, since the official championship only allowed elite teams to participate in the dispute.

In 1913, the Liga Paulista de Futebol – the official championship – allowed the floodplain teams to enter the tournament. In the 20s and 30s, Corinthians was not only considered one of the great local teams, but also won many titles. He won the championships in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1937, 1938 and 1939. In other words, the former floodplain club achieved nine victories in two decades.

At that time, Corinthians was already establishing itself as a great team, providing training for youth teams. However, the 1940s was a period of bond fasting. The 50's were back on top for the team: the club renewed the team, mixed experienced players with base players and won many titles: Campeonato Paulista in 1951 and 1952; Tournament Rio – São Paulo in 1950, 1951 and 1952; and the club's first international achievement, the Small World Cup in 1953.

After this period of conquests, another long period of fasting followed, even with Garrincha passing by the club, and with Rivellino becoming an idol at Corinthians. However, in 1977 Corinthians again won the Campeonato Paulista, aided by the hiring of Palhinha. Soon after, Timão hired Sócrates and Biro-Biro, players who were part of a historic moment in all of Brazilian football.

The beginning of the 80's was terrible for Corinthians. So much so that the board and the president of the club at the time, Vicente Matheus, were removed. The club's new president chose Adilson Monteiro Alves, a sociologist, as the club's football director, who had a habit of listening to players' opinions.

This entire context served to underpin the Corinthian Democracy. With two extremely politicized players - Socrates and Wladimir -, all decisions regarding the professional football were taken collectively, by vote, in order to respect the will of the majority. Decision-making was final, ranging from the time and place of the concentrations to what would be the new hires for the club. In addition, the players wore prints on their shirts with sayings in favor of political openness such as “Diretas Já” and “Direct vote for president”. Corinthian Democracy won two Paulista Championships: 1982 and 1983.

Unfortunately, collective-type decisions collapsed between 84 and 85, opening up the old type of team command to coach. In addition, Brazilian teams were already beginning to mirror the organizational model of European teams, putting an end to this historic moment in football.


The 90's were full of celebrations for the club's fans: Brazilian Champion in 1990, 1998 and 1999; Paulista Champion in 1995, 1997 and 1999; Champion of the Brazil Cup in 1995.

The fall to the second division of the 2007 Brasileirão was the saddest episode in its history. The following year he returned to series A, and in 2010 he had a great campaign in the Brazilian Championship. He was champion of the Brazilian Championship in 2011, Copa do Brasil in 2002 and 2009 and Copa Libertadores da América and Mundial Interclubes in 2012.

Club Anthem:

Save the Corinthians,
The champion of champions,
Inside our hearts.

save the Corinthians
Of tradition and a thousand glories;
you are the pride
From sportsmen in Brazil.

Your past is a flag,
your gift, a lesson
Figures among the first
From our Breton sport.

big Corinthians,
always soaring
you are from Brazil
The most Brazilian club.

By Paula Rondinelli
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Physical Education from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Master in Motricity Sciences from the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP
Doctoral Student in Integration of Latin America at the University of São Paulo - USP

Source: Brazil School -

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