Impulse of a variable force. Force impulse theorem

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When a force F, of constant direction, but of variable intensity, acts on the system under study, the calculation of the intensity of the impulse of this force requires superior calculation artifices. Here, we will use the graph that describes the behavior of the force intensity over time: the modulus of the impulse of this force, in the considered time interval, it corresponds, numerically, to the area of ​​the figure delimited between the curve and the axis of the abscissa, in the diagram F x t.

impulse theorem

We have already observed that modifying the amount of motion of an object is related to the application of a force, which is to say that it is related to the application of an impulse. Now, let's relate these two quantities.

Block of mass m subject to a set of forces

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Let's consider a block of mass m subjected to a set of forces whose resultant is FR, supposed to be constant and in the same direction as the speed (figure above). According to Newton's Second Law,


He follows:

By Domitiano Marques
Graduated in Physics

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SILVA, Domitiano Correa Marques da. "Impulse of a Variable Force"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.
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