THE competence 1 from Enem's editorial office analyzes the domain of grammatical rules and conventions of the Portuguese language, by the student, in the writing of the text. Thus, in this modality, the broker observes if the prayers are complete, organized and well divided, in addition to checking that the words are spelled correctly and that aspects such as accentuation and punctuation are okay. applied. For the candidate to perform well, it is essential to practice reading and studying the grammar of the language.
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What is assessed in competency 1 of the writing of Enem?
"Demonstrate mastery of the formal written modality of the Portuguese language."
Competence 1 evaluate the standard variety of theretongue Pportuguese, that is, it analyzes whether the student knows and applies the grammatical rules in writing his text. The newsroom needs to avoid using Slang, informal expressions as well as language vices. The candidate must submit a formal language text, both in spelling and syntactic organization
of the sentences, as competence 1 is divided into:syntactic structure: in the analysis of the sentences, the broker will evaluate the order in which the candidate organizes his periods, if that order contributes in the sense, if the periods have all the mandatory phrases and if they are correctly scored. Among the main precautions for this topic is the inadequate division of sentences. The candidate must not separate elements that belong to the same phrasal unit or juxtapose structures that must be separated by dots.
grammatical deviations: in addition to syntactic analysis, competence 1 assesses grammatical deviations, which cover different topics of the standard variety of the language. In this sense, care is divided, among others, into:
- accentuation
- capitalization
- translineation
- verbal and/or nominal agreement
- correct spelling of words
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What are the most recurrent mistakes in competence 1 of writing the Enem?
The candidate who does not exercise the standard variety of the Portuguese language can make several deviations, even without awareness. This is because there are different conventions that we ignore in everyday texts, but which, in the writing of Enem, can be penalized. The most common mistakes in competency 1 are:
improper crash: study the use of back it is essential, as many candidates misapply the graphic accent. The backlash occurs in specific situations and requires the presence of the preposition + article (a + a = a), both excessive use and lack of it are detrimental to writing.
improper comma: a comma it's an old writing problem. Often, the candidate uses it based on an oral perspective, considering the respiratory “breaks”. However, the comma is a syntactic element and is managed by specific rules and conventions. It is essential to study the use of the comma.
Upper and lower case: in the Enem newsroom, it is common to use expressions that refer to institutions, projects, programs, disciplines, concepts, etc. Many candidates have doubts about the use of capitalization for these expressions. Therefore, it is important to check which names require a capital initial, to avoid insecurities and misunderstandings.
Transline: the separation of a word, between the end and beginning of two consecutive lines, must be accompanied by the hyphen "-", which marks the syllabic division. As simple as it may seem, many candidates make a mistake in the separation of syllables and, therefore, lose points in competence 1.
Verbal and nominal agreement: every verb must agree with its mandatory elements, as well as nouns must agree with their qualifiers. Many students forget to check the textual agreement and ignore small deviations, which, accumulated, can harm the candidate.
See too: How to avoid 10 common Portuguese mistakes
Five tips to get the maximum score in competence 1 of the ENEM essay

As it is possible to verify, by reading the previous topics, competence 1 assesses and requires different factors, agreed by the standard variety of the Portuguese language. The candidate must be equipped with a repertoire and insurance of the available strategies, so that your text meets the correction requirements. To make it easier to master the standard modality, here are five practical tips:
read a lot: reading will always be the primary tool for all textual production. The reading and writing process are complementary, so to write well you need to read a lot. Furthermore, studying grammar is useful and necessary, but not sufficient to mature the application of linguistic resources. Reading essay-argumentative text-type texts helps to internalize the rules and provides practical examples.
study syntax: as said, grammar study is also essential to perform well in competency 1. Among the most relevant contents, syntax is highlighted, as it specifically studies the organization of sentences, being, therefore, essential to the Enem candidate.
Review the conventions: as can be seen, competence 1 covers several rules of the Portuguese language. The candidate already has well-developed skills and should look at what his “weak points” are, to focus on studying these conventions.
study back: of all the graphic accents, the crasis is the one that has the greatest inappropriate use in the newsroom. It is essential to know under what circumstances it is mandatory and to avoid its inappropriate application.
be careful with the spelling of the words: it is essential to review all the words about which the candidate is not sure how to write. Incorrect spelling is penalized in competency 1, so in readings, the student must pay attention to the correct form of expressions, especially verb inflections, often written in such a incorrect.
What are the 5 skills of writing Enem?
The five competences of Enem are:
Competence 1: Demonstrate mastery of the formal written form of the Portuguese language.
Competence 2: Understand the writing proposal and apply concepts from various areas of knowledge to develop the theme, within the structural limits of the dissertation-argumentative prose text.
Competence 3: Selecting, relating, organizing and interpreting information, facts, opinions and arguments in defense of a point of view.
Competence 4: Demonstrate knowledge of the linguistic mechanisms necessary for the construction of argumentation.
Competence 5: Elaborate intervention proposal for the problem addressed, respecting human rights.
By Talliandre Matos
Writing Teacher
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MATOS, Talliandre. "Competence 1 of the writing of Enem"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.