What is the difference between white and brown rice?

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Surely, you may have heard that, in order to lose weight, it is important to change from white rice to brown rice.But, do you know the difference between these two types of rice? Does brown rice really help with weight loss?

O rice it is a cereal consumed all over the planet, present in an important way in the Brazilian diet. This product represents a significant energy source as it is rich in carbohydrates. In addition to being a source of energy, it provides proteins, vitamins and minerals and stands out for its low lipid content.

Rice grain can be divided into three basic parts: husk, bran and grain. The bark, composed of two modified leaves, has the largest volume and corresponds to about 20% of the weight of the grain. Bran is the layer just below the husk and is one of the most nutritious parts of rice. It is formed by pericarp, integument, germ (embryo) and by the aleurone layer (a protein). The grain itself is the endosperm of rice and corresponds to the most consumed part, rich in starch.
→ Difference between brown rice and white rice

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White rice, also called polished, goes through processes that guarantee its peeling and polishing. In these processes, rice loses its husk and bran. With this, the he ends up losing part of its vitamins, fiber and minerals such as iron. On the other hand, because of these processes, rice increases its storage time.

O brown rice, on the other hand, is darker than white, as only the bark is removed from it, maintaining its bran layer. It can be seen, therefore, that brown rice only undergoes the husking process. That way, it's more rice high in fiber, proteins, iron, phosphorus and calcium, in addition to Complex B vitamins. Despite being more nutritious, this type of rice is less consumed than white rice.
→ Is consumption of brown rice really better to lose weight?

Brown rice has some advantages over white rice. First, we must remember that the presence of fiber improves bowel function. In addition, fiber increases the feeling of satiety and causes sugar absorption to decrease. This helps with weight loss.

The advantages of brown rice do not stop there. It also features more B-complex vitamins, which are related to nervous and muscular system functions and by stimulating metabolism.

ATTENTION:The preparation of food is directly related to the expected results in our body. Therefore, when preparing rice, always remember to avoid excess oil and salt.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/qual-diferenca-entre-arroz-branco-integral.htm


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