Italian alphabet pronounces esempi

A - a

B - bi

C - chí

D - dì

And is

F - effe

G - DJ

H - acca

I - I

L - hel

M - emme

N - ne

the - the

P - pì

Q - cù

R - ere

S - this

T - ti

U - U

V - vì/vù

Z - zeta

Lettere straniere/ Foreign letters

J - I lunga
K - cover
W - doppia vu
X - ics
Y - ipsilon/ i Greca

Attention/Attention: the Italian alphabet consists of 21 letters, however (J, K, W, X and Y) are considered foreign letters.


1) jeans = jeans - English pronunciation.
2) ketchup = ketchup - pronunciation equal to English.
3) whiskey = whiskey - pronunciation equal to English.
4) xeres = xeres - pronunciation equal to Spanish.
5) yogurt = yogurt - English pronunciation.

* For you to acquire more vocabulary, look up the meaning of the words below in bold in the dictionary.

* Osservassione/ Note: All letters between two square brackets signify sounds or phonetic representations.

Pronunciation 1/ Pronunciation 1:

Osserva i diversi suoni delle lettere ç and g./ Observe the different sounds of the letters ç and g.

1) The sound produced in [k] in Italian, it corresponds to the sound in Portuguese ‘here’, ‘co’, ‘ass’.

[k] ca: heresa
co: cosa
ass: sassHi

2) The sound produced in [g] in Italian, as in (war), in Portuguese it would correspond to an umlaut (wait). The sound produced in (gonna and gara) corresponds in Portuguese ‘ga' and 'go’. We know that the umlaut is an accent that will fall into disuse after the Orthographic Reform of the Portuguese Language.

[g] ga: gafrog
go: gonah
gu: whohaha

3) The sound produced in [tʃ] in Italian, it corresponds to the sound in Portuguese ‘chi’, ‘che’.

[tʃ] ci: cilink
ce: ceat

4) The sound produced in [dʒ] in Italian, it corresponds to sounds in Portuguese ‘dji’, ‘dje

[dʒ] gi: giornament
ge: angeit

The sound produced in [k] in Italian with consonant cluster ‘tea’, corresponds in Portuguese to the sound ‘Thu’, ‘what

/k/ chi: chithis
Che: butChefrog

5) The sound produced in [g] with consonant cluster ‘gh’, correspond to sounds in Portuguese ‘gui' and 'who’.

[g]gh: Inghiearth
gh: targh

Pronunciation 2/ Pronunciation 2:

Osserva i diversi suoni della lettera s./ Observe the different sounds of the letter s.

1) The sounds produced in [s] in Italian, they correspond equally to the sounds produced in Portuguese.

[s] s: sorella
ss: Panwowre

2) The sound produced in [z] in Italian, it corresponds exactly to the sound produced in Portuguese, that is, ‘s’ between vowels has the sound of [z].

[z] s: rosThe

3) The sound produced in [z] in Italian, corresponds in Portuguese to the sound of ‘tea’.

[z] sc: sciI operate

4) The sound produced in [sk] in Italian, it corresponds in Portuguese to the sound of ‘ski’, ‘ske’.

[sk] sch: schione, scherzo.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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