Abolition of Monarchy in Nepal

May 29, 2008 marked the history of Nepal, as it was the date of the proclamation of the Republic of Nepal that left the condition of monarchy, which means the centralization of power in the figure of the king.

At dawn on that date, many Nepalese took to the streets celebrating the end of the monarchy in the country, which was established by 240 years of dynasty.

The proclamation of the republic generates a series of changes in the political, social and economic structure, in the social field people are no longer mere subjects to become citizens.

One of the first initiatives promoted after the announcement of the proclamation of the republic was the removal of the symbolic flag of the Nepal dynasty.

For the consolidation of the process of proclamation of the republic it was necessary to carry out voting in the constituent assembly, which had the participation of 601 members; of those, 560 directed their votes approving the measure.

The establishment of the constitutional assembly emerged from peace agreements made between parties Nepalese politicians and Maoist rebels, with this initiative ended the civil war, which generated a balance of 13 a thousand dead.

King Gynendra is recognized by many, including supporters, as the incarnation of the god Visnu. The king has 15 days to leave Kathmandu Palace and all previously acquired rights and privileges are automatically revoked from May 29th.

The Nepalese people are definitely entering a new stage of social and economic reform and at the same time their population is leaving centuries of feudal customs.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/abolicao-monarquia-no-nepal.htm

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