Vocabulary accuracy - fundamental requirement of writing

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Before departing for a more in-depth discussion of the subject in question, let us begin to conceive of writing as being a complex subject, but in a good way. It is quite possible that if we do this, many stigmas and even possible revulsions will tend to disappear once and for all.

We need to understand that written language requires certain skills that are not conquered by magic, on the contrary, everything happens gradually, gradually. The improvement of such skills is closely related to the way we act as users language, because the more familiarized with the aspects that govern it, the more we demonstrate to be competent writers. Thus, nothing that the habit of reading good books and the constant search for information and knowledge in every way cannot solve.

As a result, we propose to discuss an elementary factor for a text considered to be of good quality – vocabulary accuracy. Perhaps it, even being related to so many other elements, summarizes the secret of success, because for every dialogue materializes in a plausible way, it needs, first of all, to be clear, coherent and need. But how does this happen?

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There are those who think that writing, or even speaking well, means choosing difficult, erudite words. Contrary to what many people think, simplicity reveals the characteristic profile of a good language. But then a question arises: is being simple to use words taken from informal, everyday conversations?

No, being simple is knowing how to choose well what to say, having in mind knowledge of grammatical rules, putting them into practice whenever necessary. In this way, no erudism, that is, no use of words simply because we think they are beautiful, thinking that we are going to impress, without even knowing what they represent. Everything has to be finely dosed. Simplicity is all about understanding.

Therefore, believe me, the choice of words, the organization of thought and, consequently, the materialization of the speech in a clear and precise manner are essential requirements for every good writer. Therefore, always try to follow these steps, because the path you have to go will not be as arduous as you think.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Vocabular accuracy – fundamental requirement of writing"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/precisao-vocabular-requisito-fundamental-escrita.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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