Write a letter, narrate a story, produce a recipe, finally, all these positions make the interlocutor a social being, guided by objectives, purposes, purposes that he puts into practice through the texts he builds. Departing from this reality, it is equivalent to saying that the moments in which we place ourselves in the condition of issuers are different, especially when it comes to written language; therefore, we have to be aware about structure, linguistic aspects that apply to the materialization of these communicative circumstances, bearing in mind the irrefutable condition related to “why to write”, “for whom to write” and “how to write”.
Now, why write part of the fact that when we write we have an intention; who to write to it emerges from the condition that, if we have a purpose, then this intention is addressed to a specific interlocutor; how to write is linked to the condition that, depending on the objective and the interlocutor, specific forms, with regard to the structure, without any doubt, apply to the construction of these various texts, materializing, therefore, the various communicative circumstances to which we are conditioned everyday.
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Based on this, especially because we intend to help you with the improvement of so many skills required by the written modality of the language, we have prepared a scheme for you, in which you will be able to see what the distinct examples of genres, oral and written, depart from a base to be constituted, this base refers to the typological aspects demarcated by the act sometimes narrating, reporting, arguing, exposing, sometimes describing actions.
Thus, from the moment these communication domains, so to speak, become incorporated into the our conscience, and why not say our abilities, we are ready to write any and all text. For this reason, let us observe, therefore, the examples of oral and written genresthat depart precisely from these typologies. So here they are:

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Examples of Oral and Written Genres"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/exemplos-generos-orais-escritos.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.