efficiency is the quality of what or who is competent, what performs its functions correctly.
Efficiency is a positive feature, especially as part of the profile of professionals who want to succeed in their areas of expertise.
For an individual to act efficiently, other essential qualities are needed, such as organization, commitment, concentration, punctuality, respect, creativity and so on.
Learn more about the meaning of efficient.
energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is a concept that determines the level of resource savings from energy sources in appliances.
To determine the energy efficiency of a particular appliance, for example, you must trace the amount of energy that is used to run an activated and that that is made available for such.
The objective of energy efficiency is to avoid wasting energy, valuing appliances and devices that know how to correctly manage the energy source they receive.
Renewable energies are some of the ways to obtain energy efficiency, contributing to the maintenance of the sustainable development policy.
Learn more about the meaning of renewable energy.
Efficiency and efficacy
Both terms are mistakenly considered synonymous by most people, but there are some subtle differences between efficiency and effectiveness.
Efficiency concerns the act of "make things right", while the effectiveness would be "do the right things".
It may sound confusing, but these are very simple definitions: efficiency is doing a task correctly and in a timely manner; effectiveness would be the completion of an objective, based on the right decisions.
Learn about the meaning and differences of efficiency and efficacy.