Meaning of Climate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

climate is the succession of different weather states that repeat and succeed each other in the atmosphere throughout the year in a given region. To know the climate of a place, it is necessary to make observations of the weather daily, for many years, to verify the regularity of the combinations of its elements.

The elements that make up the climate are: temperature, atmospheric pressure (corresponds to the force caused by the force of air), precipitation (rain, snow, and hail) and winds.

atmospheric weather

The weather of a day determines the weather and not the weather, that is, weather is a passing condition of weather elements. It varies from day to day or even hour to hour. At one time of the day, the temperature may be high, with the sun shining, and at another, there may be rain and a drop in temperature.

Weather forecasts give an idea of ​​the combination of weather elements at any given time. In general, the expressions are used: fair weather, cloudy weather, partly cloudy or rainy weather.

Types of weather

Climates are classified by meteorologists and climatologists based primarily on temperature and humidity. Monthly averages of temperature and precipitation measured at meteorological stations in various parts of the world are taken into account. As for the temperature, the climate can be: hot, temperate, cold and polar. As for air humidity, the climate can be: super humid, humid, semi-arid and arid. The combination of these variables of temperature and humidity determines the different types of climates, which receive the names of the "thermal zones of the Earth", they are:

Tropical - warm climate all year round, with only two well-defined seasons: mild, dry winter and hot, rainy summer.
Equatorial– high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year, with a small annual thermal amplitude. It takes place in the hottest zone on the planet.
Subtropical – abundant and well distributed rains, hot summers and cold winters, with a significant annual thermal amplitude.
seasoned – only in temperate climate zones that clear definitions of the four seasons are found.
Polar or glacial – climates with low temperatures all year round, reaching a maximum of 10°C in the summer months.

Depending on certain locations, the climate can also be Mediterranean, desert or arid, semi-arid and cold.

the mediterranean climate it has hot, dry summers, mild and rainy winters. From a temperature point of view it is very similar to tropical climates. Its rainfall levels are a little lower and rains occur in autumn and winter. It is found in areas near the Mediterranean Sea (southern Europe and North Africa), southeastern Australia, the west coast of America and central Chile.

the semiarid climate it is a transitional climate, characterized by sparse and poorly distributed rainfall throughout the year. It is found in both tropical regions (where temperatures are high year-round) and temperate zones (where winters are cold).

See more about the types of weather.

organizational climate

Organizational climate is the degree of satisfaction measured within a company. It is the collective perception of the “psychological atmosphere” created in the work environment. It is the set of different aspects of business culture, behavioral standards, norms and principles found in an organization that influence the productivity and profitability of a business.

See too

  • Greenhouse effect
  • Acid rain
  • Global warming

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