Indonesia. General aspects about Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest archipelago on the planet, containing approximately 17,000 islands. Its territory is located in Southeast Asia. The country has two ecosystems, in the west, the flora and fauna are characteristic of Southeast Asia, with tropical forests, where elephants and tigers live; in the east, the environment has characteristics in common with Oceania.
It is the fourth most populous country in the world. The inhabitants are made up of hundreds of ethnic groups, and speak over 500 different languages ​​and dialects. The diversity of peoples and religions generates conflicts that threaten the country's integrity.
Indonesia's economy is based on the exploitation of oil, tin and natural gas.
The most representative cultural manifestations are Javanese and Balinese dances, as well as the wayang kulit shadow theater shows.

Indonesia coat of arms

Indonesia data:
Territorial extension: 1,904,569 km².
Capital: Jakarta
Climate: Equatorial.
Government: Presidential Republic.
Administrative division: 33 provinces.

Languages: Indonesian (official), regional languages ​​- Javanese.
Religion: Islam 54.7%, new religions 21.8%, Christianity 13.1% (Protestants
5.7%, others 7.4%), Hinduism 3.4%, others 4.8%, no religion and atheism 2.1%.
Population: 229,964,723 inhabitants. (Men: 114,807,198; Women: 115,157,525).
Demographic density: 119 inhab/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 1.3%.
Population residing in urban areas: 52.63%.
Population residing in rural areas: 47.37%.
Undernourished population: 17%.
Infant mortality rate: 6.6 per thousand born.
Life expectancy at birth: 70.1 years.
Households with access to drinking water: 80%.
Households with access to the health network: 52%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.600 (average).
Currency: Rupee.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$432.817 million.
GDP per capita: 1,869 US$.
External relations: Apec, Asean, World Bank, IMF, WTO, UN, OPEC.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Countries of the world - geography - Brazil School

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