From 2024, electricity bills should decrease in value; know how

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We know that, in Brazil, energy bills are usually very high, especially in the summer. And if the expense for a house or apartment is already high, imagine how much it must cost to maintain a trade or an industry. But the good news for the general public is that the electricity bill may become cheaper, due to increased competition between suppliers.

Read more: Big bills? Find out how to reduce your electricity bill

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For consumers of high voltage light, according to an ordinance published by the Ministry of Mines and Energy in last wednesday (28), from 2024 it will be possible to choose from which supplier companies will want to buy energy. To be more precise, the measure takes effect from January 2024, with that, small and medium-sized companies will benefit greatly from this decision.

This type of consumer will be able to buy energy from the free market, where it is possible to close deals directly with the generators, making this an option for this public. Nowadays, the free market accounts for around 38% of energy consumption in Brazil, where on average there are more than 30,000 consumption units. According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, this measure will help increase competition in the sector, making prices more competitive.

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“The opening of the market brings greater freedom of choice for consumers, with the consequent increase in competitiveness, by allowing access to suppliers other than the distributor. The opening also brings autonomy to the consumer, who can manage his preferences, being able to choose products that best suit your consumption profile, such as the times when you need to consume more energy. In addition, competition tends to provide more interesting prices, improving the efficiency of the electricity sector and the Brazilian economy”, says the note.

The free market is accessible to consumers with contracted energy demand above 1,000 kilowatts, and also to those who have a minimum demand of 500 kilowatts, and in the latter case the sources used are renewable, such as wind energy and solar. As of this new measure, more than 100,000 consumers who will be able to buy from the free market are in the consumption range of less than 500 kW. Almost half of them are part of commerce (45.6%) and the rest (34.5%) are industries. It is also believed that, with this measure, the free market will expand in size.

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