Meaning of Salve Jorge (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Save Jorge is greeting used in umbanda to "welcome" to "Ogum", an entity that represents the orixá of war, which opens the way and wins the fights.

In Afro-Brazilian religions, each orixá corresponds to a Catholic saint, and “Saint George" O "holy warrior" matches "ogun", "the mighty warrior of Umbanda, owner of iron and fire, who defends law and order".

George was a Christian warrior of the Roman Empire who was persecuted by the Emperor Deoclessian, tortured and beheaded in the year 303. His story spread and the warrior became Saint George.

The image of Saint George dressed in armor, sitting on a white horse, running through a dragon with a spear, was spread in the Middle Ages, the result of a legend that tells of the fight between Saint George and the dragon, to save the daughter of the king of Libya. Saint George defeats the dragon and demands the conversion of the people to Christianity.

know Who is Ogun.

Novel Save Jorge

The telenovela Salve Jorge was presented by Rede Globo between October 22, 2012 and May 17, 2013. Written by Glória Perez, it had as scenarios the community of Complexo do Alemão in Rio de Janeiro, Cappadocia, region of Turkey, where São Jorge was born, and Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey.

The soap opera Salve Jorge addressed devotion to the saint and highlighted the illegal trafficking of girls who were taken to Europe and kept as sex slaves.

See also the meaning of Yemanja.

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