Absolute zero, or zero kelvin corresponds to temperature in -273.15 °C or -459.67°F.
The concept of absolute zero was created by physicist William Thonsom and occurs when a body contains no energy at all, and its molecules are stationary.
The concept of absolute zero would correspond to the lowest existing temperature. Until recently, it was believed that absolute zero could never be reached.
However, scientists at the German University Ludwig Maximilian were able to reach and surpass absolute zero. This feat was achieved with the help of lasers and magnetic fields, by creating a quantum gas with properly aligned potassium atoms. In this way the scientists verified that the temperature of the gas in question was a few degrees below the temperature known as absolute zero.
With this advance, scientists believe it is possible to create new forms of matter. However, atoms that are below absolute zero will not be pulled by gravity, and will float.
Until recently, the lowest temperature verified in the entire galaxy was found in the Boomerang Nebula, where the minimum temperature is -272º C.
The branch of physics that studies the concept of absolute zero is thermodynamics, which analyzes the causes and effects of changes in temperature, pressure, and volume. Absolute zero is part of the principles and laws of thermodynamics. Absolute zero or zero kelvin, which refers to the unit name for the quantity thermodynamic temperature, used to measure the absolute temperature of an object, with absolute zero being 0 K.