Meaning of Personal Marketing (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Personal marketing is a tool used to personal promotion so achieve success. It is a strategy used to "sell" the image, and influences the way other people look at those who use it.

In most occasions, this expression is used to designate a way of expressing oneself, which contributes to the achievement of a certain objective, such as a job, for example.

Personal marketing is highly sought after by people looking to enter the job market, and is a way of differentiating from everyone else. So, in job interviews, personal marketing is vitally important because the job seeker has to know how to express himself. Personal marketing enables people to change their posture, image and conduct.

An individual must know how to show that they are confident, have specific capabilities, have value, and that they can contribute to the company's growth. In addition, he must be able to reveal the ability to learn and to take initiative, and emotional intelligence to deal with and relate to other people. As important as knowing, is knowing how to show that you know.

Knowing that personal and professional marketing are related, it is important to know how to show characteristics in the work context such as common sense, responsibility, leadership skills, maturity, optimism, empathy, ethics, integrity, persistence, patience, etc.

See also the meaning of Marketing.

Tips for personal marketing

There are important areas that relate to good personal marketing:

  • Communication capacity: does not mean talking a lot, but talking enough so that others understand what you are saying. On many occasions, the communication process is two-way, and that is why it is also very important to know how to listen;
  • proper professional posture: knowing how to be serious when the situation demands seriousness. It is important to know how to behave in a professional context, acting in accordance with your role and within the expectations of your superiors;
  • appearance care: adapt the way of dressing according to the context in which it is inserted. Be careful to know how to dress, not adopting a formal style in informal contexts (passing the image that you are not matters and doesn't follow rules) and formal styles in informal contexts (intimidating and being able to convey an image of superiority);
  • Criativity and innovation: show availability and suggest ideas that contribute to problem solving. This can happen in the context of work or in person, knowing how to help friends when they need it;
  • Humility: not considering yourself better than others and not trying to promote your image in an aggressive and forced way towards others. Whoever does this, conveys the image of arrogance and ends up harming their personal marketing.

See also the meaning of employability.

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