Meaning of Aphrodite (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

aphrodite and the goddess of love, of sex, gives fertility and of the physical beauty, according to Greek mythology.

The goddess Aphrodite is considered one of the most popular among all the gods of Ancient Greece, being widely worshiped in the cities of Corinth, Sparta and Athens.

In Roman mythology, the goddess Aphrodite was represented by the figure of the goddess Venus, protector of beauty, love and fertility.

According to the myth, Aphrodite is a native of the island of Cyprus, but there are several stories that tell how her birth would have been.

Some versions of the legend say that aphrodite would be the fruit of love between Zeus (god of gods) and dione (Goddess of nymphs). However, the best known story suggests that the goddess of love was born from the foam of the sea, when chronos (god of time) cut off his father's genitals, Uranus (god of the firmament), and threw them into the ocean. A white foam formed around the sexual organ which, in contact with sea water, gave rise to the goddess Aphrodite.

Even being considered the goddess of love and sexuality, Aphrodite was seen as a very vindictive and angry deity. Goddess relationships were always surrounded by crisis and conflict.

The goddess of love was married to hephaestus, the god of fire, but due to his sexual nature, he had several lovers, between gods and mortals. Consequently, Aphrodite also had many children from these relationships.

among children more known of Aphrodite, are:

  • hemaphrodite, son of the relationship with Hermes, the messenger god;
  • Eros (god of passion and love) and Anteros (god of order), children of the relationship with Ares, the god of war;
  • hymeneus (god of marriage), fruit of the relationship with Apollo, god of light and cures for diseases;
  • Priapus (god of fertility), son of the relationship with Dionysus, god of parties and pleasure.

See also the Definition of Mythology it's the meaning of zeus.

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