Meaning of Business Ethics (What it is, Concept and Definition)

THE business ethics is the branch of ethics directly linked to companies, which refers to ethical conduct of companies. In other words, the actions taken by the company aim at good and positively impact the environment.

Ethics itself refers to the theory of just and moral action, often having a meaning equivalent to that of moral philosophy. Ethics also has the function of discovering the dominant conceptions of morality and its origin. O

fundamental core of descriptive ethics is the analysis of moral experience (moral conscience, duty, responsibility, decision, etc.) and the types of action that correspond to the various particular values ​​(work ethic, intention, responsibility, success, etc.).

In the same way that ethics establishes laws that guide the actions of individuals, business ethics determines the conduct of a company, whether public or private.

Business ethics strengthens a company, creates coherence between its principles and values, improving its reputation and also having a positive impact on its results.

An ethical company favors society, is fair to its suppliers, customers, employees, partners and even the government. Business ethics is an essential practice of a company, as well as social responsibility and socio-environmental responsibility.

One of the great benefits of business ethics is its recognition by the customer and society as one, establishing a trusting relationship with the brand.

Read too all about ethics: examples, types and ethics vs. morals.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a result of ethical behavior, it demonstrates that the company is integrated into society and assumes the responsibility to contribute to its improvement.

The actions taken by companies aim at the better performance of their core activity, but they can also create tools that contribute to the improvement of some aspect of society.

Thus, ethics and social responsibility often go hand in hand, and are a business expansion strategy.

See also the meaning of social responsability.

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