Forward and reverse word order

One of the essential requirements for understanding any and all linguistic utterances is the way in which the sender organizes his speech and distributes it through a prayer context.
When referring to this "distribution" we are precisely emphasizing the direct order to which the words relate. So let's look at a representative case:

Alternatives we need viable problem to seek this out for.

Notably, we found that the ideas were not organized in order to establish a clear and precise communication, representing, in this way, the inverse order of the terms. Upon such occurrence, the importance related to the essential terms of the clause is mentioned, that is, the subject, predicate and their respective complements. Therefore, the above example is subject to reformulation, once represented by:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

We need to look for viable alternatives to this problem.

By syntactically analyzing the constituent terms, we conclude:

Hidden Subject – Us
We need to search - verbal predicate

Viable alternatives - direct object
Viables - predicative of the object
For this problem - nominal complement

Thus, we confirm that such assumptions are perfectly demarcated, constituting the direct order of the words. Another noteworthy aspect is that the direct order is also configured as a primary presupposition to construction of any text, with a view to giving clarity and objectivity to the message now transmitted.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Direct and reverse word order"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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