Omission and presence of the subject pronoun

Let us pay attention to the following statements:

I appreciatedO the scent of flowers.

didmos an unforgettable tour.

He arrivesram content and euphoric.

In all of them, what is perceived is the omission of the subject pronoun, since the verbal endings, now demarcated, already reveal to us the person to whom the predicate refers, as well as his grammatical number (singular or plural). Therefore, let us analyze:

(I) appreciate - 1st person singular
(We) did - 1st person plural
(They) arrived - 3rd person plural

Upon such occurrence, we affirm that there was the omission of the subject pronoun, due to the aspect already expressed (verbal endings).

Now let's look at the cases in which we found the presence of the subject pronoun:

* Occurs in cases in which one wants, in an emphatic way, to draw attention to the person of this subject. Let's observe:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

We, applied students that we are, we obtained the maximum grade in the presentation of the work.

Me, unaware of what happened, I remained without understanding anything.

* In cases where there is an opposition between two distinct grammatical persons. Let's analyze:

We looked like two strangers: he for feeling shy about greeting me, and me for thinking he didn't even remember me anymore.

Me on one side and Is it over there on the other hand, we asked whoever passed by for help.

* In circumstances in which it is perceived that the verbal form is common to the 1st (I) and the 3rd (he/she) singular person, which is why it is necessary to avoid misunderstanding. Let us verify:

would you like that me reveal what he said?

It will be necessary that he analyze what me I wrote?

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Omission and presence of the subject pronoun"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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