Graphic accentuation. Graphic Accent Rules

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But conceptions you may even have about grammatical postulates, But after you've interacted with everything we've prepared for you in this section, surely that idea will be reformulated, yes?

Well, this linguistic game was just for you to notice that two similar words, diverging only by the graphic sign, they are closely related to two unique occurrences: the graphic accent - materialized in the adjective "but” and the tonic accent – ​​portrayed in the adversative conjunction “but”. Inferences attest to us that the illustrations highlighted here served only to demonstrate an example, but there is a diversity of other cases in which the existence of the graphic accent also determines the divergence of meaning between a word and another.

Simple is when we take as a base some words, such as: denounces/reports – announcements/announcements – practice/practices, among many other cases.

Thus, being aware of the use or not of the accent in a given word, in addition to attesting competent linguistic skills, also promotes the the fact that, as language users, we are subject to a system of combinatorial laws, which must be rigorously enforced practice. Speaking thus, the mention we make to written language is a notorious fact, as the so-called formal standard applies, above all, to this modality. However, these same skills also apply to orality, as we actively participate in situations forms of interlocution in which we are responsible for expressing ourselves according to the dictates expressed by the rules grammatical.

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If we do not do so, we will be strong candidates for repulsion, given that most of the times we commit a language addiction called syllables. That way, we don't do it, especially given the fact that the section you're faced with from now on brings “hot” information about accent rules, in order to make you even more competent. Access, then, how about?

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By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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Graphic accentuation. Graphic Accent Rules

But conceptions you may even have about grammatical postulates, But after you've interacted with ...

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