According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the word adjective comes from Latin adiectus and expresses calidad o accidente. The grammatical function of the adjective determines the determining of the noun, accompanying it in gender and number.the adjectivesthey are traditionally classified into groups: calificative adjectives and determinative adjectives. We see each one of them: / According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the word adjective comes from the Latin adiectus and expresses quality or accident. The grammatical function of the adjective is to qualify or determine the noun, varying as it does in gender and number. Adjectives are traditionally classified into two groups: qualifying and determinative. Let's look at each of them:
The qualifying adjectives (The qualifying adjectives):
Otorgan al noun una qualidad./ Give the noun a quality.
Examples: Students scholars. / Examples: Scholarly students.
Qualifying adjectives are subdivided into groups: explanatory and specific. / The qualifying adjectives are subdivided into two groups: explanatory and specific.
→ Explanatory Adjectives
These adjectives explain a natural quality of the name. Due to their explanatory value, these adjectives appear as an antepuesto al nountivo. / These adjectives explain a natural quality of the name. Because of their explanatory value, they appear in front of the noun.
Example: Cold sealed. / Example: Frio ice cream (literal translation into Portuguese).
→ Specific adjectives
Son los common adjectives. Its characteristic is to specify the noun, differentiating it from other names. / These are the most common adjectives. Its characteristic is to specify the noun, differentiating it from other names.
Example:the carpet address. / Examples: The purple folder.
Table of qualifying adjectives (explanatory and specific)./
Table of qualifying adjectives (explanatory and specific).

The determinative adjectives/ The determinative adjectives
Determining adjectives are those that identify the noun and inform with the exactness of its meaning. Are classified in: Therticles (determined and indeterminate), demonstrative, possessive, numeral, indefinite, interrogative and exclamatory./ Determining adjectives are those that identify the noun of the sentence and accurately inform its meaning. They are classified into: articles (determined and indeterminate), demonstrative, possessive, numeral, indefinite, interrogative and exclamatory.
→ Adjective determined article
Refer to something defined. / She References something defined, determined.
Example: There Senora Perez is sick. / Example: THE Ms. Pérez is sick.
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→ Adjective indeterminate article
Example:le hicieron some questions. / did you some questions.
→ Demonstrative Adjective
It indicates the proximity of the lejanía in relation to the name to which it refers. / Indicates proximity or distance from the referenced name.
— This one libro, which is en mais manos, es mío. (Fence)/ This one book, which is in my hands, is mine. (Proximity)
— this Red shirt that is in the showcase of the store is very beautiful. (In this case the shirt is not close, but tampoco lejos.) / That red shirt that is in the window of the store is very beautiful. (In this case, the shirt is not close, but it is also not far away).
— that chico that is on the side of the supermarket es mi vecino. (Lejania) / That one boy who is next to the supermarket is my neighbor. (Distance)
→ Numeral Adjective
This adjective quantifies the noun, indicating it number or order. / This adjective assigns numerical value to the noun.
— maria ate three cutters. / Mary ate three strawberries.
— Mi first guitar class will be mañana. / Mine first guitar class will be tomorrow.
→ Indefinite adjective
This adjective generalizes the sense of the noun. / This adjective generalizes the meaning of the noun.
Example: One day whatever will go to China. / One of these days I'm going to China.
→ Interrogative and exclamatory adjectives
The adjectives interrogative and exclamatory antecedent to noun y siempre llevan tilde. / The interrogative and exclamatory adjectives precede the noun and always have an accent.
— ¿Which onesfilms Do you like it more? (Interrogative adjective) / from which movies do you like best?
— ¡Quantahappiness! (Exclamatory adjective) / How much happiness!
— ¡Hello! / Heads up!
The interrogative and exclamatory adjectives cannot be confused with the interrogative and exclamatory pronouns. These last ones sustantivo al noun. / The interrogative and exclamatory adjectives cannot be confused with the interrogative and exclamatory pronouns. The latter replace the noun.
— ¿What do you like? (Interrogative Pronoun) / Which ones do you like the most?
— ¡Cuánto lo siento! (Exclamatory pronoun) / I'm sorry!
By Nadia Rocha
Graduated in Letters - Spanish
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ROCK, Nadia. "Los adjectives"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.