Neutral article lo: neutral article in Spanish

The neutral article lo (the neutral article it) is a definite article that can be translated as "the" and that has the function of substantive adjectives, adverbs and participles, that is, to make them start to function as a noun in a prayer.

See the difference below:


  • Dedicate them more time to my children es good. (Dedicating more time to my kids is good.)
  • It is good that I can devote them more time to my children. (The good thing is that I can spend more time with my kids.)

Note that, in the first example, the word good it performs the function of an adjective, as it characterizes the act of the subject dedicating time to his children as something good.

In the second example, the word good (which usually has the function of an adjective) plays the function of a noun (the good).

Use of it in Spanish

The neutral article it it is a peculiarity of the Spanish language that has no counterpart in the Portuguese language.

Unlike other defined articles (el, la, los, las), the article it in Spanish it has no gender (male/female) and no number (singular/plural) and for this reason it is classified as a neutral article.

Check out some uses of it.

Used to reference

The neutral article it is used to refer to abstract elements or inanimate, illustrated, for example, by adjectives, adverbs and verbs in past participle.


  • Lo better is coming. (The best is yet to come.) – ADJECTIVE with noun function
  • Lo pit what I have for you. (The little I have is for you.) – ADVERB with noun function
  • Don't worry about it dicho. (He doesn't regret what was said.) – PARTICIPLE with noun function

Note that in the examples above, the words better, pit and dicho they are abstract terms.

Used for emphasis

The article it it can also be used to emphasize something. In this case, it is followed by the relative pronoun what and can be translated as how, how and/or how much.

Emphasis on adjectives

You cant imagine him tired that I am. (You can't imagine how tired I am.)

See that in the example above, the article it emphasize the word tired out and it shows that the subject of the sentence is not just tired, but very tired.

Emphasis on adverbs

Do you have to pay for it late? (Have you noticed how late it is?)

In the sentence above, the use of itintensifies the meaning of the word evening and so we see that the subject of the sentence was not only late, but very late.

Emphasis on participles

Look so late you are! (Look how late you are!)

The article it he emphasized the meaning of the verb in the participle and it is thus possible to see that the subject of the sentence was not only late, but very late.

used in voiceovers

The article it it is also combined with other words to form phrases.

See below the main locutions with the neutral article of the Spanish language.

Lo + that

¡Lo intelligent que es este niño! (How smart this boy is!)

It enhances an attribute, in this case, how smart the boy is.

Lo + of

We arrived late to Ana's lo. (We arrived late to Ana's.)

Lo de Pablo fue mejor. (Pablo's was better.)

Used to address issues or facts already known to the interlocutors.

Note that, in the examples, it is necessary that the interlocutors already know what the communication is about, that is, they must already have prior knowledge of the subject. Otherwise, the meaning of the sentences is not understandable.

Lo + possessive pronouns

Lo mío es photographing. (My business is to photograph.)

Lo nuestro no tiene solution. (Our problem/case has no solution.)

The use of the article it with possessive pronouns expresses an idea that concerns a specific person.

Sentences with this construction usually have certain implied words that complement the meaning (such as “business” and “problem/case”).

Lo + bad

Lo more valuable is your character. (The most valuable is your character.)

Attributes intensity to an adjective.

In the example sentence, the speaker points out that, compared to everything else, the person's character is the most valuable; what is most valuable.

tips it

Difference between he and it

The use of he and it usually causes a lot of doubts among students who study the Spanish language.

As both words can be translated as “o” in Portuguese, it is common for students to be unsure which article to use.

The main difference between using it it's from he is that the article he is used in front of masculine nouns in the singular, while the neutral article it, in turn, is NEVER used in front of nouns.

It is often used in front of other grammatical categories, in order to substantiate them.

Lo can be used before masculine or feminine words, singular or plural.


  • My novio said that the restaurant is bueno. (My boyfriend said the restaurant is good.)
  • El miércoles empieza las clases. (On Wednesday classes start.)
  • We visited Paraguay. (We visited Paraguay.)
  • The best of all fue el regalo. (Best of all was the gift.)
  • They don't know it's complicated that this is my situation. (They don't know how complicated my daughter's situation is.)
  • Impressed me so beautiful that es la hermana de Javier. (I was impressed by how beautiful Javier's sister is.)
  • It is interesting that these paintings are. (How interesting these paintings are.)

Check out the contents below to learn even more about the Spanish language:

  • Spanish nouns (los nouns)
  • regular verbs in spanish
  • irregular verbs in spanish
  • Adjectives in Spanish (los adjectives)
  • Spanish verbs (spanish verbs)
  • Spanish prepositions
  • 10 Spanish expressions you need to know


Watch the video below and see tips for using the neutral article it.



Do the exercises below and test your knowledge of using the neutral article it.


01 Santiago Calatrava will design the pabellón of 02 the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to la 03 Universal Exhibition of Dubai 2020, 04 according to a press release, 05 studio of the Valencian architect and engineer.

06 Inspired by the vuelo de un halcón, the 07 project has been selected by the Consejo 08 National of Medios del Emirato in a contest 09 international convened by the company of 10 renewable energies from Abu Dhabi, Masdar, which 11 is in charge of the management of the project.

12 The jury of the contest, al que fueron 13 new architecture studios convened in 14 recognized international prestige that 15 presentaron 11 projects, has valued the form 16 in which the project of Santiago Calatrava reflects 17 the main theme of the Universal Exhibition 18 2020: «Connecting the minds, creating the 19 future".

20 Furthermore, he has considered his ability to 21 reflect the spirit of the Arab Emirates 22 United and the balance that represents between them 23 past and future.

24 According to the sources, in the announcement of the fall 25 Juror, Minister of State and President 26 del Consejo Nacional de Medios, el Sultán 27 Ahmed Al Jaber, declared that the design proposed 28 for the Pabellón de los UAE «captures the history 29 that we want to tell the world about our 30 nation».

31 «Our Founding Father, Your Highness 32 the Jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, used 33 cetrería expeditions to forge connections 34 among the tribus and creating a national identity 35 propia that, later, would lead to the 36 creation of the United Arab Emirates», 37 señaló.

38 He added that «now, this inspired design 39 en un halcón will symbolize como los 40 Emirates we are able to connect with the 41 minds of the world and in what way we can, 42 as a global community, rise to new 43 heights through alliances and cooperation».

44 Minister of State for Cooperation 45 International and Director General of the Expo de 46 Dubai 2020, Reem Ebrahim Al Hashimy, apuntó 47 that el pabellón «will be one of the badest icons 48 of the Expo».

49 For his part, Santiago Calatrava explained 50 that the design of pabellón is «a project of 51 a national and global importance» and show 52 convinced that the result will be «a symbol 53 of the bold and daring spirit of the Emiratos, 54 reflected in what is considered the Expo más 55 inclusive and global history».

56 The national pabellón of the Arab Emirates 57 United will have a surface of 15,000 58 square meters and will house numerous areas 59 of exhibition, an auditorium, a large area of 60 catering and VIP spaces. Your design incorporates 61 also efficiency and construction elements 62 sustainable, according to international regulations 63 LEED Platinum.

ABC Journal – Madrid 03-05-2016

The “lo” particle (Ref. 54) must be analyzed as a

a) direct complement pronoun.
b) passive voice indicator.
c) indirect complement pronoun.
d) neutral article.

Correct alternative: d) neutral article.

2. (UECE/2013)

Felix Baumgartner jumped once, but his hazaña was repeated in so many magazines and digital screens, there Zambullida in the stratosphere was profitable in terms of marketing, that the sensation was of a multiple jump and infinite. Several days after his hazaña he continued to download images of his infinite leap. This time, from the camera, the sportsman was attached to his body. “A small step for a man, but a big leap for the marketing of energy drinks”, recited a “tweet” after the jump from a capsule at 39 kilometers high that ended with the 43 year old adventurer landing perfectly, walking, in a gentle descent with parachutes. In his flight to the planet Tierra and the desert of Nuevo Mexico, Baumgartner broke three of the four Possible records, between them and breaking at 1,342.8 kilometers per hour and without mechanical assistance in the barrera del sound. But I have a record room that escapes his control, of millions of people in love with his adventure on a Sunday afternoon / evening.

The sentence “Ahora doy doy cuenta of _________ ripe that are in these pears” is correctly completed with

a) las - determining article.
b) lo - neutral article.
c) el - defined article.
d) lo - direct complement pronoun.

Correct alternative: b) lo - neutral article.

3. That's all the _________ that I can decide.

a) he
b) is
c) lo
d) them

Correct alternative: c) lo

4. This is _______ best text that has been written.

a) he
b) is
c) lo
d) them

Correct alternative: a) el

5. We know that ______ better is about to arrive.

a) he
b) is
c) lo
d) them

Correct alternative: c) lo

To do more Spanish exercises, it's worth checking out the contents below:

  • Spanish verbs exercises
  • Spanish questions (Enem)
  • Text Interpretation in Spanish with Feedback (High School)
  • hours in spanish exercises
  • Exercises on definite and indefinite articles in Spanish
  • Spanish language grammar
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